HomeKit Box
HomeKit Box
Thank you for the recent purchase of the HomeKit Box. This is a hub that will allow you to
bring your noncertified Apple devices into Apple HomeKit and allow you to control all through HomeKit, Apple watch or even an iPad and Siri commands.
This will be the last time you need to touch the HomeKit Box
- Next step is to go to your laptop or computer and open a web browser like Safari, Google Chrome
- Then to navigate to homebridge.local (If you cannot get onto to the website through homebridge.local you would need to locate the IP address of the HomeKit Hub, you can locate the IP address through your home router?

- Username us ‘admin’ and password is ‘admin"
- To add the HomeKit Hub to Apple HomeKit, you need to go to your HomeKit App on your iPhone or iPad
- Tap on the ‘+’ in the top right-hand side of your screen and select ‘add accessory’ and then point your camera to the QR code on your web browser.
- Once added to HomeKit you can then add it to a room of choice.
- Next step is the fun part – bring all your eWelink and Smart Life accessories to HomeKit.
- Jump back to the browser on and go to homebridge.local
- Log in with ‘admin’ and ‘admin’
- You will see if there is any updates due. Please do them one by one. If you have done any update, please click on the restart button
- All updates done and restarted please click on Plug-ins
- Then select the plugin of choice
- Insert your credential of username (email address for Ewelink) and password and then click save at the bottom.
- Then you need to restart HomeKit Hub
- Once restarted then head over to HomeKit on your iPhone or iPad and you will see
All the devices will start to populate into HomeKit, and you will be able to control them. You can then add them to rooms of choice, change icons and even setup any automations you choose.
If you have any issues please email barry@systemgo.co.za